Clamp. Hose. (Upper)

Part Number: 1K0423933
Supersession(s): 1K0-423-933; 4G0423875

A Clamp that secures the bellows to the installed location. Part cannot be reused/reinstalled. Part included w1th gear assembly. Power Steering Hose Clamp. Clip. Inlet. Power Steering. Rack and Pinion Bellows. Reservoir. Return. Steering Rack Boot. Suction. Included with: Gear assembly, Gear assembly Part cannot be reused/reinstalled, Gear assy, Part cannot be reused/reinstalled gear assembly, Return Hose.

Rack and Pinion Bellows ClampPower Steering Hose Clamp

2 people have looked at this part recently

Dealer Price

$ 10.79

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