Power Seat Control Module

Part Number: 4G8959760A
Supersession(s): 4G8-959-760-A

Module. Control. box. Ler. Power Seat.
Power Seat Control Module.

Power Seat Control Module

Fits A6, A7, A7 Sportback, RS7, S6, S7, S7 Sportback

W/O CONTOUR SEATS, w/vented seat. W/vented seat. W/vented seats. W/vented seats, w/o contour.
Power Seat Control Module - Repair or Replace
Your power seats may not move at all, or the memory feature may not return them to their stored position. If this is the case, your 2015 Audi A7 may need a new power seat control module.

1 person has looked at this part recently

Dealer Price

$ 616.65

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