Bolt. Hinge. Screw.

Part Number: WHT001418A
Supersession(s): 8H0845643; WHT-001-418-A; WHT001418

A bolt which attaches the door panel carrier to its mounting point. A screw that is used to secure the Deck lid Hinge to it's mounting point. A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Decklid Hinge. Bolt that secures the Deck Lid Hinge. Door Glass Bolt. Door Glass Screw. Deck Lid Nut. Door glass. Door Panel Carrier. Inner housing. Mount.

Door Glass ScrewDoor Glass BoltDeck Lid Hinge BoltDoor Panel Carrier BoltDeck Lid Hinge NutDeck Lid Hinge Screw

Fits A3, A3 Sportback e-tron, A4, A5, RS4, RS5, S3, S4, S5, S7 Sportback

COUPE. SEDAN,. Sedan/Wagon,.

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$ 4.13

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