Bumper. (Upper, Lower)

Part Number: 8P4827951A
Supersession(s): 8P4-827-951-A; 8P4827951

A removable plug which allows the Decklid to be drained. Bump Stop used for the Liftgate.

Liftgate Bump StopDeck Lid Drain Plug

2013-2016. 2017-24. Bottom. CONVERTIBLE. CONVERTIBLE,. COUPE. Coupe,. LID & COMPONENTS. SEDAN,. SEDAN, bottom. Sedan/Wagon,. Sedan/Wagon, bottom. SPORTBACK. SUV. SUV, type 2. Type 2. W/O SPORTBACK. W/SPORTBACK, lower.

6 people have looked at this part recently

Dealer Price

$ 6.15

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