Arm. (Rear, Upper)

Part Number: 8K0501529N
Supersession(s): 8K0-501-529-N; 8K0501529K

An Arm that runs from the frame perpendicularly to the knuckle. Exc.Dynamic Package. From Chassis/VIN 8T-8-015-062. Incl.Bushings. Suspension component that connects and provides pivotal movement of the Steering Knuckle to the vehicle. To 02/16/2015. To 07/20/2009. To Chassis/VIN 8T-8-015 061. Ft cntl. Lateral. Link Assembly. Lower Control. Suspension support. Tie rod Assembly. Track bar.

Lateral ArmSuspension Control Arm

A4; w/Quattro; Left. A5, S5; Left. A7; w/Air Suspension; Left. A8, S8; Left. Aluminum. Q5; Left; To 11/8/10. RS7; Left. S6; Left. S7; Left. To 10/06/2010. To 11/07/2010. To 7/20/2009. W/air suspension. W/AWD, aluminum. W/AWD, to 07/17/2009. W/O AWD, to 07/17/2009.
Suspension Control Arm - Repair or Replace
Control arms often don’t fail on their own, although their associated bushings can break or wear causing a clunk noise when your 2018 Audi RS7 goes over bumps or changes speed rapidly—whether braking or under hard acceleration. Control arms can also sometimes become bent, causing your vehicle to pull to the left or right.

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Dealer Price

$ 176.65

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