Parking Aid Sensor

Part Number: 5Q0919275BGRU
Supersession(s): 5Q0-919-275-B-GRU; 5Q0-919-275-BGRU; 5Q0919275 GRU; 5Q0919275B GRU; 5Q0919275GRU

Sensor. Park. Reverse. Auto.
A proximity Sensor used in the Park assist system. Must Be Painted to Match Vehicle. Distance. Ing Aid. Wire harness.

Parking Aid Sensor

Backup Warning System Sensor - Repair or Replace
A malfunctioning backup warning sensor can cause your parking system signal not to sound at all or sound at inappropriate times. If your 2019 Audi e-tron is experiencing problems like these, our technicians can help.

68 people have looked at this part recently

Dealer Price

$ 211.65

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