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2020 Audi TT 2.0L A/T Quattro : Brake Products

Disc Brake Caliper Pin

Part Number: 251615219
Supersession(s): 251-615-219; 251615219A; ZBC615261A

Pin. Caliper. Guide.
1 Piston Caliper. 288mm Brake Rotors. 312mm Brake Rotors. 321mm Brake Rotors. A Pin used with a float style Caliper, which mounts the Caliper to a Caliper Bracket through a Caliper Guide Pin bolt, allowing the Caliper to slide freely during Braking. To 09/28/2020. Vendor:ATE. Vendor:ITT. Vented Brake Rotors. mount bushing kit. support. Bleeder valve hardware kit. Disc Brake Slide. Included with: Bushing kit, Carrier assembly.

Disc Brake Caliper PinWheel Bearing and Hub Assembly

Disc Brake Caliper Guide Pin - Repair or Replace

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$ 56.19

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