Bolt. Headlight. Mount. (Upper, Lower)

Part Number: WHT000372
Supersession(s): WHT-000-372

A threaded rod with a drive Head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc) on one end used to secure the Supercharger Intercooler to it's Mounting point. Bolt that secures the bumper cover. Bumper Cover Support Rail Bolt. Headlight Mounting Bolt. Headlight Mounting Screw. Adapter. Assembly retainer. Bumper Cover Support Rail. Charge Air Cooler. Ing Screw. Intercooler. RepAir kit. Retaining Bracket. Support Brace. Included with: Headlamp Assembly.

Headlight Mounting ScrewHeadlight Mounting BoltBumper Cover Support Rail BoltBumper Cover BoltIntercooler BoltTurbocharger Intercooler Bolt

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$ 5.15

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