Cover Gasket. Engine Coolant Water Inlet Gasket. Water Outlet Gasket.

Part Number: 06E121139D
Supersession(s): 06E-121-139-D; 06E121139B; 06E121139C; 6E121139D

Engine Coolant Outlet Gasket. Gasket for Engine Coolant Water Inlet. Outlet Flange.

Engine Coolant Water Inlet GasketEngine Coolant Outlet Gasket

Fits A4, A6

Engine Coolant Outlet Housing Gasket - Repair or Replace
A coolant leak from the front or rear of your engine's cylinder head might be a leaking coolant outlet housing or water outlet housing. This can cause the engine in your 2025 Audi to overheat, which can lead to engine damage.

1 person has looked at this part recently

Dealer Price

$ 20.78

Fulfillment Options